"What Sets KEYZY Apart From Other Software License Managers in the Market?"
The 5 Ways KEYZY Is Different
#1: Easy-To-Setup
An important factor setting KEYZY apart is our user friendly C++ client library, which is a huge advantage for our clients for integrating KEYZY into their software. Just over a 30-minute setup, KEYZY will be ready to smoothly run and help you manage your software licenses and monetize your digital products. We aspire to simplify software licensing by any means possible.

#2: Made for SMEs
Software licensing services available on the market today are mostly enterprise-centric equipped with features not corresponding to the special needs of small and midsize ISVs. KEYZY, on the other hand, is tailor-made for small and midsize businesses vending their software products online in need of certain online and offline licensing solutions. All big businesses start small. So we would like to grow alongside our customers.

#3: Strong Offline Support
With the needs of independent software vendors developing offline digital products in mind, KEYZY rolled out semi-online activation schema. It facilitates the burdensome offline activation process for developers. You can easily activate your licenses online and operate it right away for your offline digital products.

#4: 1-to-1 Customer Relations
We understand that a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. That is why we developed KEYZY tailor-made to the needs of our customers. We carefully listen to our clients and their feedbacks are always taken into consideration while adding new features or rolling out new products. From integrating KEYZY into your software to any technical, software-related issues... We take care of our customers individually.

#5: No Hidden Costs!
Literally no hidden costs! You need to know what you pay before you use the service and KEYZY respects that. So, no surprise bills / no surprise invoices. Control your expense and plan your finance correctly.